A Short story about my logo
I created my first and official logo in 2012, when i began idealizing my
professional carreer as an artist.
I began to understand the importance of an identity, and while i was working
in my clothes' brand that i named "newstyle", i created a logo for the clothes'
brand inspired by an hourglass opened and the mathematical infinite sign.
I chose an hourglass because i understand how important is the time to build
History, and the infinite sign because things i create, i do wishing that they still
living even though when i'll be not, so the time is a true constituent of all
the masterpieces and what define the life of any artist's History.
The logo is composed by two triangles that construct the hourglass and
ascending and descending diagonal lines that represent the evolution caused by
the time, and a side of the superior triangle is opened to represent the
Infinity of what i expect it's to create art and have its living centuries
between different generations but keeping up the same meaning.
The main colours are blue and red, these colors represent myself identity,
red means blood as life and blue represents the world, because if i do art
masterpieces with my feelings as my soul on that, i believe that i'm donating
part of my life (as my blood) for the world.
24/03/23- Luanda
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